
authselect - Configures authentication and identity sources from supported profiles

Website: https://github.com/authselect/authselect
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Authselect is designed to be a replacement for authconfig but it takes
a different approach to configure the system. Instead of letting
the administrator build the PAM stack with a tool (which may potentially
end up with a broken configuration), it would ship several tested stacks
(profiles) that solve a use-case and are well tested and supported.
At the same time, some obsolete features of authconfig are not
supported by authselect.


authselect-1.2.6-2.vl9.src [751 KiB] Changelog by Pavel Březina (2023-08-03):
- Fix Japanese translations (RHBZ #2153364)
- Update translations (RHBZ #2189498)
- Do not prompt for password twice when changing password of local user (RHBZ #2228098)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7