
libnbd - NBD client library in userspace

Website: https://gitlab.com/nbdkit/libnbd
License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol for accessing Block Devices
(hard disks and disk-like things) over a Network.

This is the NBD client library in userspace, a simple library for
writing NBD clients.

The key features are:

 * Synchronous and asynchronous APIs, both for ease of use and for
   writing non-blocking, multithreaded clients.

 * High performance.

 * Minimal dependencies for the basic library.

 * Well-documented, stable API.

 * Bindings in several programming languages.


libnbd-1.16.0-1.vl9.src [1.4 MiB] Changelog by Richard W.M. Jones (2023-04-18):
- Rebase to 1.16.0
  resolves: rhbz#2168628

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