
perl-Test-RequiresInternet - Easily test network connectivity

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-RequiresInternet
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This module is intended to easily test network connectivity before functional
tests begin to non-local Internet resources. It does not require any modules
beyond those supplied in core Perl.

If you do not specify a host/port pair, then the module defaults to using
www.google.com on port 80. You may optionally specify the port by its name, as
in http or ldap. If you do this, the test module will attempt to look up the
port number using getservbyname. If you do specify a host and port, they must
be specified in pairs. It is a fatal error to omit one or the other.

If the environment variable NO_NETWORK_TESTING is set, then the tests will be
skipped without attempting any socket connections.

If the sockets cannot connect to the specified hosts and ports, the exception
is caught, reported and the tests skipped.


perl-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05-15.vl9.src [22 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2019-09-28):
- Spec tidy-up
  - Use author-independent source URL
  - Specify all build requirements
  - Simplify find command using -delete

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