
perl-common-sense - "Common sense" Perl defaults

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/common-sense
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs, as defined
by two typical (or not so typical - use your common sense) specimens of
Perl coders:

It's supposed to be mostly the same, with much lower memory usage, as:

	use utf8;
	use strict qw(vars subs);
	use feature qw(say state switch);
	use feature qw(unicode_strings unicode_eval current_sub fc evalbytes);
	no feature qw(array_base);
	no warnings;
	use warnings qw(FATAL closed threads internal debugging pack
			prototype inplace io pipe unpack malloc
			deprecated glob digit printf layer
			reserved taint closure semicolon);
	no warnings qw(exec newline unopened);


perl-common-sense-3.7.5-7.vl9.src [27 KiB] Changelog by Mohan Boddu (2021-08-09):
- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
  Related: rhbz#1991688

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7