
ucx - UCX is a communication library implementing high-performance messaging

Website: http://www.openucx.org
License: BSD
Vendor: Virtuozzo
UCX is an optimized communication framework for high-performance distributed
applications. UCX utilizes high-speed networks, such as RDMA (InfiniBand, RoCE,
etc), Cray Gemini or Aries, for inter-node communication. If no such network is
available, TCP is used instead. UCX supports efficient transfer of data in
either main memory (RAM) or GPU memory (through CUDA and ROCm libraries). In
addition, UCX provides efficient intra-node communication, by leveraging the
following shared memory mechanisms: posix, sysv, cma, knem, and xpmem.
The acronym UCX stands for "Unified Communication X".


ucx-1.14.1-1.vl9.1.src [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Kamal Heib (2023-06-07):
- Fix rpmdeps issue.
- Resolves: rhbz#2170369

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