
xmlrpc-c - Lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP

Website: http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/
License: BSD and MIT
Vendor: Virtuozzo
XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the
Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it
to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML.

This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C.


xmlrpc-c-1.51.0-16.vl9.src [631 KiB] Changelog by Michal Srb (2022-03-17):
- Drop bundled expat and build against libxml2
- Resolves: CVE-2022-25235
- Resolves: CVE-2022-25236

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7