
virt-v2v-debuginfo - Debug information for package virt-v2v

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This package provides debug information for package virt-v2v.
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package.


virt-v2v-debuginfo-2.3.4-5.vz9.2.x86_64 [667 KiB] Changelog by Andrey Drobyshev (2023-11-17):
- mldrivers: look for bootloader config in /boot/grub/grub.cfg in case of UEFI
- Revert "RHEL 9: Remove --block-driver option"
- Revert "RHEL: Remove the --in-place option"
- Revert "convert_linux: start the QEMU guest agent in a distro-specific way"
- Revert "convert_linux: install the QEMU guest agent with a firstboot script"
- Revert "convert_linux: extract qemu-guest-agent package name"
- Set up firstboot script to install vztools-win
- Set up firstboot script to install vztools-lin
- Shut down Windows VM to finish guest setup
- Shut down Linux VM to finish guest setup
- Install Virtuozzo tools in offline mode
- Linux: provide '-h' option to shutdown command
- Linux: recognize VZ kernels too
- Linux: detect support for virtio-scsi
- Make virtio-scsi the default block driver
- Call ntfsfix if NTFS root partition is unclean
- Only install VZ tools when they are present on the host
- parse_libvirt_xml: fallback to BIOS if there's no firmware specified
- firstboot: add DelayedAutoStart value in the registry
- common/mlpcre/pcrec: workaround non-working HAVE_CAML_ALLOC_INITIALIZED_STRING
- convert: skip disk decryption when doing in-place conversion #PSBM-135626

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7