Letter A

annobin - Annotate and examine compiled binary files

License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Provides a plugin for GCC that records extra information in the files
that it compiles.

Note - the plugin is automatically enabled in gcc builds via flags
provided by the redhat-rpm-macros package.

Also provides a plugin for Clang which performs a similar function.

Also provides a plugin for LLVM which performs a similar function.


annobin-12.12-3.vl9.x86_64 [977 KiB] Changelog by Nick Clifton (2023-06-14):
- Rebuild against LLVM-16.  (#2212739)
- Annocheck: Check for string notes in separate debug info files.  (#2211694)
- Annocheck: Add support for el10 and rhel-10 profiles.  (RHEL-526)
- Annocheck: Suppress more tests for Rust binaries.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7