Letter G

gcc-toolset-13-annobin-libannocheck - A library for checking the security hardening status of binaries

Website: https://sourceware.org/annobin/
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Installs the libannocheck library which uses the notes generated by the
annobin plugins to check that the specified files were compiled with the
correct security hardening options.


gcc-toolset-13-annobin-libannocheck-12.20-1.vl9.x86_64 [134 KiB] Changelog by Nick Clifton (2023-07-17):
- Annocheck: Ignore AArch64 $x and $d symbols.  (#2221192)
- GCC Plugin: Suppress active checks for fortran sources.  Improve scanning of COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS.

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