Letter G

grpc-cli - Command-line tool for gRPC

Website: https://www.grpc.io
License: ASL 2.0 and BSD and MIT
Vendor: Virtuozzo
The command line tool can do the following things:

  • Send unary rpc.
  • Attach metadata and display received metadata.
  • Handle common authentication to server.
  • Infer request/response types from server reflection result.
  • Find the request/response types from a given proto file.
  • Read proto request in text form.
  • Read request in wire form (for protobuf messages, this means serialized
    binary form).
  • Display proto response in text form.
  • Write response in wire form to a file.


grpc-cli-1.46.4-3.vl9.x86_64 [168 KiB] Changelog by Benjamin A. Beasley (2022-11-19):
- Fix wrong paths in .pc files

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7