Letter J

jdeparser - Source generator library for Java

Website: https://github.com/jdeparser/jdeparser2
License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This project is a fork of Sun's (now Oracle's) com.sun.codemodel project. We
decided to fork the project because by all evidence, the upstream project is
dead and not actively accepting outside contribution. All JBoss projects are
urged to use this project instead for source code generation.


jdeparser-2.0.3-12.vl9.noarch [219 KiB] Changelog by Red Hat PKI Team (2021-08-17):
- Bug 1981014 - jdeparser: FTBFS due to access to internal class sun.reflect.Reflection

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7