Letter L

libcurl-minimal - Conservatively configured build of libcurl for minimal installations

Website: https://curl.se/
License: MIT
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This is a replacement of the 'libcurl' package for minimal installations.  It
comes with a limited set of features compared to the 'libcurl' package.  On the
other hand, the package is smaller and requires fewer run-time dependencies to
be installed.


libcurl-minimal-7.76.1-26.vl9.3.x86_64 [223 KiB] Changelog by Jacek Migacz (2023-11-28):
- cap SFTP packet size sent (RHEL-14837)
- lowercase the domain names before PSL checks (CVE-2023-46218)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7