libguestfs - Access and modify virtual machine disk images

Website: http://libguestfs.org/
License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Libguestfs is a library for accessing and modifying virtual machine
disk images.  http://libguestfs.org

Libguestfs uses Linux kernel and qemu code, and can access any type of
guest filesystem that Linux and qemu can, including but not limited
to: ext2/3/4, btrfs, FAT and NTFS, LVM, many different disk partition
schemes, qcow, qcow2, vmdk.

Libguestfs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is split into several subpackages.
The basic subpackages are:

               libguestfs  C library
     libguestfs-appliance  pre-built binary appliance for libguestfs
For enhanced features, install:

 libguestfs-inspect-icons  adds support for inspecting guest icons

For developers:

         libguestfs-devel  C/C++ header files and library

Language bindings:

 libguestfs-gobject-devel  GObject bindings and GObject Introspection

              lua-guestfs  Lua bindings
   ocaml-libguestfs-devel  OCaml bindings
         perl-Sys-Guestfs  Perl bindings
           php-libguestfs  PHP bindings
       python3-libguestfs  Python 3 bindings
          ruby-libguestfs  Ruby bindings


libguestfs-1.50.1-6.vz9.2.x86_64 [1.1 MiB] Changelog by Andrey Drobyshev (2023-11-17):
- Revert "RHEL: Reject use of libguestfs-winsupport features except for virt-* tools (RHBZ#1240276)."
- common/mlpcre/pcrec: workaround non-working HAVE_CAML_ALLOC_INITIALIZED_STRING

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7