Letter L

libsolv - Package dependency solver

Website: https://github.com/openSUSE/libsolv
License: BSD
Vendor: Virtuozzo
A free package dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm. The
library is based on two major, but independent, blocks:

- Using a dictionary approach to store and retrieve package
  and dependency information.

- Using satisfiability, a well known and researched topic, for
  resolving package dependencies.


libsolv-0.7.24-2.vl9.x86_64 [403 KiB] Changelog by Jaroslav Rohel (2023-06-21):
- Backport Allow to break arch lock-step on erase operations (RhBug:2172288,2172292)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7