Letter N

ncurses-c++-libs - Ncurses C++ bindings

Website: https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.html
License: MIT
Vendor: Virtuozzo
The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
(new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.

This package contains C++ bindings of the ncurses ABI version 6 libraries.


ncurses-c++-libs-6.2-10.20210508.vl9.x86_64 [35 KiB] Changelog by Miroslav Lichvar (2023-08-21):
- ignore TERMINFO and HOME only if setuid/setgid/capability (#2211666)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7