Letter N

ndctl - Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)

Website: https://github.com/pmem/ndctl
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Utility library for managing the "libnvdimm" subsystem.  The "libnvdimm"
subsystem defines a kernel device model and control message interface for
platform NVDIMM resources like those defined by the ACPI 6+ NFIT (NVDIMM
Firmware Interface Table).


ndctl-71.1-8.vl9.x86_64 [182 KiB] Changelog by Jeff Moyer (2022-10-13):
- Backport changes up to v74, excluding the config file changes. (Jeff Moyer)
  This includes support for the CXL commands, and adds the following
  packages: cxl-cli, cxl-devel, cxl-libs
- Resolves: rhbz#2132167

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7