Letter O

onapp-bk-install - OnApp Backup Server installer

License: Copyright (c) 2024 Virtuozzo International GmbH
Vendor: OnApp, http://onapp.com
OnApp elastic cloud engine Backup Server installer

Based on Git branch master


onapp-bk-install-7.1-8.noarch [24 KiB] Changelog by Yuriy Kohut (2023-06-01):
- version 7.1-1
- branch master
- INSTALLER-585: AlmaLinux, Virtuozzo Linux, CentOS Stream and Virtuozzo Hybrid Server release 9.x support
- INSTALLER-586: update onapp-install required version into 2.1-1
- INSTALLER-609: Virtuozzo Hybrid Server release 7.x support. Correct firewall and onapp-storageAPI management for VHS compatibility.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7