Letter P

perl-Pod-Eventual - Read a POD document as a series of trivial events

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/Pod-Eventual
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Virtuozzo
POD is a pretty simple format to write, but it can be a big pain to deal with
reading it and doing anything useful with it. Most existing POD parsers care
about semantics, like whether a =item occurred after an =over but before a
back, figuring out how to link a L<>, and other things like that.

Pod::Eventual is much less ambitious and much more stupid. Fortunately, stupid
is often better (that's what I keep telling myself, anyway).

Pod::Eventual reads line-based input and produces events describing each POD
paragraph or directive it finds. Once complete events are immediately passed to
the handle_event method. This method should be implemented by Pod::Eventual
sub-classes. If it isn't, Pod::Eventual's own handle_event will be called, and
will raise an exception.


perl-Pod-Eventual-0.094002-2.vl9.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Fedora Release Engineering (2021-07-27):
- Second attempt - Rebuilt for

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7