Letter P

python3-debug - Debug version of the Python runtime

Website: https://www.python.org/
License: Python
Vendor: Virtuozzo
python3-debug provides a version of the Python runtime with numerous debugging
features enabled, aimed at advanced Python users such as developers of Python
extension modules.

This version uses more memory and will be slower than the regular Python build,
but is useful for tracking down reference-counting issues and other bugs.

The debug build shares installation directories with the standard Python
runtime. Python modules -- source (.py), bytecode (.pyc), and C-API extensions
(.cpython*.so) -- are compatible between this and the standard version
of Python.

The debug runtime additionally supports debug builds of C-API extensions
(with the "d" ABI flag) for debugging issues in those extensions.


python3-debug-3.9.18-1.vl9.x86_64 [3.0 MiB] Changelog by Charalampos Stratakis (2023-09-07):
- Update to 3.9.18
- Security fix for CVE-2023-40217
Resolves: RHEL-3043

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