Letter Q

qemu-kvm-core - qemu-kvm core components

Website: http://www.qemu.org/
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and CC-BY
Vendor: Virtuozzo
qemu-kvm is an open source virtualizer that provides hardware
emulation for the KVM hypervisor. qemu-kvm acts as a virtual
machine monitor together with the KVM kernel modules, and emulates the
hardware for a full system such as a PC and its associated peripherals.
This is a minimalistic installation of qemu-kvm. Functionality provided by
this package is not ensured and it can change in a future version as some
functionality can be split out to separate package.
Before updating this package, it is recommended to check the package
changelog for information on functionality which might have been moved to
a separate package to prevent issues due to the moved functionality.
If apps opt-in to minimalist packaging by depending on qemu-kvm-core, they
explicitly accept that features may disappear from qemu-kvm-core in future


qemu-kvm-core-8.0.0-16.vz9.21.x86_64 [4.3 MiB] Changelog by Andrey Drobyshev (2024-07-31):
- dump: avoid setting global errp when dealing with AUTO dump type #PSBM-157604

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7