Letter R

rubygem-typeprof - TypeProf is a type analysis tool for Ruby code based on abstract interpretation

Website: https://github.com/ruby/typeprof
License: MIT
Vendor: Virtuozzo
TypeProf performs a type analysis of non-annotated Ruby code.
It abstractly executes input Ruby code in a level of types instead of values,
gathers what types are passed to and returned by methods, and prints the
analysis result in RBS format, a standard type description format for Ruby


rubygem-typeprof-0.15.2-214.vl9.2.noarch [532 KiB] Changelog by Artem Vasiliev (2024-07-24):
- Downgrade bigdecimal to 2.0.3

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7