Letter S

sssd-ad - The AD back end of the SSSD

Website: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Provides the Active Directory back end that the SSSD can utilize to fetch
identity data from and authenticate against an Active Directory server.


sssd-ad-2.9.1-4.vl9.1.x86_64 [216 KiB] Changelog by Alexey Tikhonov (2023-11-11):
- Resolves: RHEL-15431 - HANA validation on RHEL 9.2 issue possibly related to libc/nss_sss behaviour [rhel-9.3.0.z]

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7