Letter T

texlive-tabulary - Tabular with variable width columns balanced

Website: http://tug.org/texlive/
License: LPPL
Vendor: Virtuozzo
The package defines a tabular*-like environment, tabulary,
taking a 'total width' argument as well as the column
specifications. The environment uses column types L, C, R and J
for variable width columns (\raggedright', \centering,
\raggedleft, and normally justified). In contrast to tabularx's
X columns, the width of each column is weighted according to
the natural width of the widest cell in the column.


texlive-tabulary-20200406-26.vl9.noarch [263 KiB] Changelog by Than Ngo (2023-05-26):
- Resolves: #2209872, CVE-2023-32700

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7