system environment

cpupools-features - Tool set get,set and sync CPU features

License: Virtuozzo
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Tool set get,set and sync CPU features


cpupools-features- [32 KiB] Changelog by Aleksandr Leskin (2024-03-21):
- Mask xsave cpu feature if xsave states are different between nodes 
   (Pavel Tikhomirov <>) (#PSBM-153799)
 - Collect and save xsave state to node info 
   (Pavel Tikhomirov <>) (#PSBM-153799)
 - Fixup support of 0x00000007:0 (ECX) intel cpu features
   (Pavel Tikhomirov <>) (#PSBM-153799)
 - Add support of  0x00000007:0 (ECX) intel cpu features
   (Pavel Tikhomirov <>) (#PSBM-153799)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7