system environment

prl-disp-backup - Virtuozzo backup utilities

License: Virtuozzo
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Backup utilities for backup & restore of virtual machines and containers.


prl-disp-backup- [381 KiB] Changelog by Aleksandr Leskin (2024-02-27):
- cleanup: remove new allocator for creating object Component
 - refactoring: reoder lines in the ctor ProgressExpectant
 - refactoring: use unordered_set instead of list #PSBM-153870
 - progress: use timeout parameter from CLI #PSBM-153870
 - refactoring: minore code clean-up  #PSBM-153870
 - refactoring: move struct Options to Backup.h file #PSBM-153870
 - progress: fail backup if there is no progress within 6 hours #PSBM-153870
 - progress: fixup for progress information #PSBM-153870

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7