Letter W
Packages beginning with letter "W".
- watchdog - Software and/or Hardware watchdog daemon
- wavpack - A completely open audiocodec
- wavpack-devel - WavPack - development files
- wayland-devel - Development files for wayland
- wayland-doc - Wayland development documentation
- wayland-protocols-devel - Wayland protocols that adds functionality not available in the core protocol
- wcm - WCM Commander
- webkitgtk3 - GTK+ Web content engine library
- webkitgtk3-devel - Development files for webkitgtk3
- webkitgtk3-doc - Documentation files for webkitgtk3
- webkitgtk4 - GTK+ Web content engine library
- webkitgtk4-devel - Development files for webkitgtk4
- webkitgtk4-doc - Documentation files for webkitgtk4
- webkitgtk4-jsc - JavaScript engine from webkitgtk4
- webkitgtk4-jsc-devel - Development files for JavaScript engine from webkitgtk4
- webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2 - GTK+ 2 based NPAPI plugins support for webkitgtk4
- webrtc-audio-processing - Library for echo cancellation
- webrtc-audio-processing-devel - Development files for webrtc-audio-processing
- weld-parent - Parent POM for Weld
- wget - A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
- which - Displays where a particular program in your path is located
- whois - Improved WHOIS client
- wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- wireshark-devel - Development headers and libraries for wireshark
- wireshark-gnome - Gnome desktop integration for wireshark
- wodim - A command line CD/DVD recording program
- woodstox-core - High-performance XML processor
- woodstox-core-javadoc - API documentation for woodstox-core
- wordnet - A lexical database for the English language
- wordnet-browser - Tk browser for WordNet
- wordnet-devel - The development libraries and header files for WordNet
- wordnet-doc - Manual pages for WordNet in alternative formats
- words - A dictionary of English words for the /usr/share/dict directory
- wpa_supplicant - WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant
- wqy-microhei-fonts - Compact Chinese fonts derived from Droid
- wqy-unibit-fonts - WenQuanYi Unibit Bitmap Font
- wqy-zenhei-fonts - WenQuanYi Zen Hei CJK Font
- ws-commons-util - Common utilities from the Apache Web Services Project
- ws-commons-util-javadoc - Javadoc for ws-commons-util
- ws-jaxme - Open source implementation of JAXB
- ws-jaxme-javadoc - Javadoc for ws-jaxme
- ws-jaxme-manual - Documents for ws-jaxme
- wsdl4j - Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java
- wsdl4j-javadoc - Javadoc for wsdl4j
- wsmancli - WS-Management-Command line Interface
- wvdial - A heuristic autodialer for PPP connections