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libmemcached - Client library and command line tools for memcached server
- Description:
libmemcached is a C/C++ client library and tools for the memcached server
(http://memcached.org/). It has been designed to be light on memory
usage, and provide full access to server side methods.
It also implements several command line tools:
memaslap Load testing and benchmarking a server
memcapable Checking a Memcached server capibilities and compatibility
memcat Copy the value of a key to standard output
memcp Copy data to a server
memdump Dumping your server
memerror Translate an error code to a string
memexist Check for the existance of a key
memflush Flush the contents of your servers
memparse Parse an option string
memping Test to see if a server is available.
memrm Remove a key(s) from the server
memslap Generate testing loads on a memcached cluster
memstat Dump the stats of your servers to standard output
memtouch Touches a key
[237 KiB] |
by Miroslav Lichvar (2015-07-02):
- don't test memaslap in make check (#1231828)
- rebuild with fixed binutils (#1238466)
[236 KiB] |
by Miroslav Lichvar (2015-07-02):
- don't test memaslap in make check (#1231828)
- rebuild with fixed binutils (#1238466)