- abrt - Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
- abrt-addon-python3 - ABRT's addon for catching and analyzing Python 3 exceptions
- aide - Intrusion detection environment
- alacarte - Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- apache-commons-daemon - Defines API to support an alternative invocation mechanism
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
- asciidoc - Text based document generation
- bltk - The BLTK measures notebook battery life under any workload
- bluez - Bluetooth utilities
- cdrkit - A collection of CD/DVD utilities
- comps-extras - Images for package groups
- conman - ConMan - The Console Manager
- console-setup - Tools for configuring the console using X Window System key maps
- crypto-utils - SSL certificate and key management utilities
- cryptsetup - A utility for setting up encrypted disks
- ct-preset-common - Dummy package to fix systemd initscripts configs
- dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
- dosfstools - Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
- dropwatch - Kernel dropped packet monitor
- ethtool - Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
- fcoe-utils - Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
- freeipmi - IPMI remote console and system management software
- fros - Universal screencasting frontend with pluggable support for various backends
- gconf-editor - Editor/admin tool for GConf
- gnome-system-log - A log file viewer for GNOME
- gnupg2 - Utility for secure communication and data storage
- gpgme - GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
- hdparm - A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters
- hwloc - Portable Hardware Locality - portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures
- i2c-tools - A heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux
- im-chooser - Desktop Input Method configuration tool
- imsettings - Delivery framework for general Input Method configuration
- iok - Indic Onscreen Virtual Keyboard
- iotop - Top like utility for I/O
- iproute - Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
- iptraf-ng - A console-based network monitoring utility
- ipvsadm - Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
- isdn4k-utils - Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem
- isomd5sum - Utilities for working with md5sum implanted in ISO images
- ixpdimm_sw - API for development of IXPDIMM management utilities
- kdeutils - KDE Utilities
- kexec-tools - The kexec/kdump userspace component.
- latencytop - System latency monitor (with GUI)
- ledmon - Enclosure LED Utilities
- liblockfile - This implements a number of functions found in -lmail on SysV systems
- libmodbus - A Modbus library
- linuxconsoletools - Tools for connecting joysticks & legacy devices to the kernel's input subsystem
- lm_sensors - Hardware monitoring tools
- logwatch - A log file analysis program
- lorax - Tool for creating the anaconda install images
- lshw - HardWare LiSter
- lsscsi - List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
- mlocate - An utility for finding files by name
- mstflint - Mellanox firmware burning tool
- mt-st - Tool for controlling tape drives
- mtools - Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks
- mtx - SCSI media changer control program
- network-manager-applet - A network control and status applet for NetworkManager
- nfs4-acl-tools - The nfs4 ACL tools
- nfsometer - NFS Performance Framework Tool
- nfstest - NFS Testing Tool
- nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nvmetcli - An adminstration shell for NVMe storage targets
- open-vm-tools - Open Virtual Machine Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware
- openchange - Provides access to Microsoft Exchange servers using native protocols
- opendnssec - DNSSEC key and zone management software
- openwsman - Open source Implementation of WS-Management
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- patchutils - A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- ploop - ploop tools
- powertop - Power consumption monitor
- procps-ng - System and process monitoring utilities
- ps_mem - Memory profiling tool
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- python-ovh - Thin wrapper around OVH's APIs
- python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- rasdaemon - Utility to receive RAS error tracings
- rdate - Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
- rdist - Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines
- rh-python34-python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- sane-frontends - Graphical frontend to SANE
- sblim-cmpi-base - SBLIM CMPI Base Providers
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol - SBLIM fsvol instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-network - SBLIM Network Instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3 - SBLIM nfsv3 instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4 - SBLIM nfsv4 instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-params - SBLIM params instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-sysfs - SBLIM sysfs instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-syslog - SBLIM syslog instrumentation
- sblim-gather - SBLIM Gatherer
- sblim-sfcb - Small Footprint CIM Broker
- sblim-sfcc - Small Footprint CIM Client Library
- sblim-smis-hba - SBLIM SMIS HBA HDR Providers
- sblim-testsuite - SBLIM testsuite
- sblim-wbemcli - SBLIM WBEM Command Line Interface
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- sdparm - List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
- setroubleshoot - Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
- setroubleshoot-plugins - Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- snapper - Tool for filesystem snapshot management
- softhsm - Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- spice-streaming-agent - SPICE streaming agent
- spice-vdagent - Agent for Spice guests
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- strongimcv - Trusted Network Connect (TNC) Architecture
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- sysstat - Collection of performance monitoring tools for Linux
- system-config-users - A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- system-switch-java - A tool for changing the default Java toolset
- time - A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources
- tmux - A terminal multiplexer
- tncfhh - An open source implementation of the Trusted Network Connect (TNC) framework
- tpm-quote-tools - TPM-based attestation using the TPM quote operation (tools)
- tpm-tools - Management tools for the TPM hardware
- ttmkfdir - Utility to create fonts.scale files for truetype fonts
- tuna - Application tuning GUI & command line utility
- usb_modeswitch - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usb_modeswitch-data - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usbmuxd - Daemon for communicating with Apple's iOS devices
- usbutils - Linux USB utilities
- usermode - Tools for certain user account management tasks
- v4l-utils - Utilities for video4linux and DVB devices
- vinagre - VNC client for GNOME
- virt-viewer - Virtual Machine Viewer
- volume_key - An utility for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
- vzdummy-systemd-el7 - Dummy package to fix systemd initscripts configs
- vzdummy-systemd-el8 - Dummy package to fix systemd initscripts configs
- which - Displays where a particular program in your path is located
- wsmancli - WS-Management-Command line Interface
- xferstats - Compiles information about file transfers from logfiles
- xmlto - A tool for converting XML files to various formats
- xvattr - Utility for getting and setting Xv attributes
- yelp - Help browser for the GNOME desktop
- yelp-xsl - XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser