Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- NetworkManager - Network connection manager and user applications
- NetworkManager-libreswan - NetworkManager VPN plug-in for IPsec VPN
- nDPI - Open source deep packet inspection
- nafees-web-naskh-fonts - Nafees Web font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
- nano - A small text editor
- nasm - A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus-open-terminal - Nautilus extension for an open terminal shortcut
- nautilus-sendto - Nautilus context menu for sending files
- navilu-fonts - Free Kannada opentype sans-serif font
- nbd - Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
- nbdkit - NBD server
- ncompress - Fast compression and decompression utilities
- ncurses - Ncurses support utilities
- ndctl - Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
- nekohtml - HTML scanner and tag balancer
- neon - An HTTP and WebDAV client library
- nepomuk-core - Nepomuk Core utilities and libraries
- nepomuk-widgets - Nepomuk Widgets
- net-snmp - A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
- net-tools - Basic networking tools
- netcf - Cross-platform network configuration library
- netcfg - Network Configuration Files in /etc
- netlabel_tools - Tools to manage the Linux NetLabel subsystem
- netpbm - A library for handling different graphics file formats
- netperf - Performance testing tool for TCP/UDP
- netsniff-ng - Packet sniffing beast
- nettle - A low-level cryptographic library
- network-manager-applet - A network control and status applet for NetworkManager
- newt - A library for text mode user interfaces
- nfs-utils - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
- nfs4-acl-tools - The nfs4 ACL tools
- nfsometer - NFS Performance Framework Tool
- nfstest - NFS Testing Tool
- nftables - Netfilter Tables userspace utillites
- nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- nhn-nanum-fonts - Nanum family of Korean TrueType fonts
- ninja-build - A small build system with a focus on speed
- nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
- nodejs - JavaScript runtime
- nodejs-packaging - RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
- nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime
- nss - Network Security Services
- nss-pam-ldapd - An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
- nss-pem - PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
- nss-softokn - Network Security Services Softoken Module
- nss-util - Network Security Services Utilities Library
- nss_compat_ossl - Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
- nss_wrapper - A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntp - The NTP daemon and utilities
- nuitka - Python compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility
- numactl - Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines
- numad - NUMA user daemon
- numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nuxwdog - Watchdog server to start and stop processes, and prompt for passwords
- nvme-cli - NVMe management command line interface
- nvmetcli - An adminstration shell for NVMe storage targets
- nvml - Non-Volatile Memory Library