Letter R
Packages beginning with letter "R".
- radvd - A Router Advertisement daemon
- raptor2 - RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- rarian - Documentation meta-data library
- ras-utils - RAS Utilities
- rasdaemon - Utility to receive RAS error tracings
- rasqal - RDF Query Library
- rcs - Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
- rdate - Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
- rdist - Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines
- rdma - Infiniband/iWARP Kernel Module Initializer
- rdma-core - RDMA core userspace libraries and daemons
- re2 - C++ fast alternative to backtracking RE engines
- re2c - Tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
- readline - A library for editing typed command lines
- readykernel - Virtuozzo ReadyKernel convenience script
- readykernel-scan - Virtuozzo ReadyKernel CVEs scanner
- readykernel-sm-facts - ReadyKernel facts for Subscription Manager
- realmd - Kerberos realm enrollment service
- rear - Relax-and-Recover is a Linux disaster recovery and system migration tool
- recode - Conversion between character sets and surfaces
- redhat-lsb - Implementation of Linux Standard Base specification
- redhat-menus - Configuration and data files for the desktop menus
- redhat-rpm-config - Virtuozzo Linux specific rpm configuration files
- redhat-support-lib-python - Red Hat Support Software Development Library
- redhat-support-tool - Tool for console access to Red Hat subscriber services
- redhat-upgrade-dracut - initramfs environment for system upgrades
- redhat-upgrade-tool - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Upgrade tool
- redis - A persistent key-value database
- redland - RDF Application Framework
- regexp - Simple regular expressions API
- relaxngDatatype - RELAX NG Datatype API
- relaxngcc - RELAX NG Compiler Compiler
- resource-agents - Open Source HA Reusable Cluster Resource Scripts
- rest - A library for access to RESTful web services
- resteasy-base - Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
- rfkill - A tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
- rh-python34 - Package that installs rh-python34
- rh-python34-python - Version 3 of the Python programming language aka Python 3000
- rh-python34-python-coverage - Code coverage testing module for Python
- rh-python34-python-docutils - System for processing plaintext documentation
- rh-python34-python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- rh-python34-python-markupsafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- rh-python34-python-nose - Discovery-based unittest extension for Python
- rh-python34-python-pip - A tool for installing and managing Python packages
- rh-python34-python-pygments - Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- rh-python34-python-setproctitle - Python module to customize a process title
- rh-python34-python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- rh-python34-python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- rh-python34-python-sphinx - Python documentation generator
- rh-python34-python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- rh-python34-python-virtualenv - Tool to create isolated Python environments
- rh-python34-python-wheel - A built-package format for Python
- rh-python36 - Package that installs rh-python36
- rh-python36-PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter for Python
- rh-python36-babel - Tools for internationalizing Python applications
- rh-python36-kubernetes-client - Official Python client library for kubernetes
- rh-python36-ntlm-auth - Creates NTLM authentication structures
- rh-python36-numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- rh-python36-pyOpenSSL - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- rh-python36-python - Version 3 of the Python programming language aka Python 3000
- rh-python36-python-APScheduler - In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
- rh-python36-python-Cython - Language for writing Python extension modules
- rh-python36-python-MySQL - An interface to MySQL
- rh-python36-python-PyMySQL - Pure-Python MySQL client library
- rh-python36-python-SecretStorage - Python bindings to FreeDesktop.org Secret Service API
- rh-python36-python-WSGIProxy2 - WSGI Proxy that supports several HTTP backends
- rh-python36-python-ZConfig - Structured Configuration Library
- rh-python36-python-alembic - Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
- rh-python36-python-amqp - Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib)
- rh-python36-python-aniso8601 - Another ISO 8601 parser for Python
- rh-python36-python-anyjson - Wraps the best available JSON implementation
- rh-python36-python-appdirs - Python module for determining platform-specific directories
- rh-python36-python-argcomplete - Bash tab completion for argparse
- rh-python36-python-asn1crypto - Fast Python ASN.1 parser and serializer
- rh-python36-python-asq - LINQ-for-objects style queries for Python iterables
- rh-python36-python-astroid - Common base representation of python source code for pylint and other projects
- rh-python36-python-atomicwrites - Python Atomic file writes on POSIX
- rh-python36-python-attrs - Python attributes without boilerplate
- rh-python36-python-babel - Tools for internationalizing Python applications
- rh-python36-python-bcrypt - Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
- rh-python36-python-beautifulsoup4 - HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
- rh-python36-python-betamax - VCR imitation for python-requests
- rh-python36-python-billiard - Multiprocessing Pool Extensions
- rh-python36-python-blinker - Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
- rh-python36-python-blist - Faster list implementation for Python
- rh-python36-python-bottle - Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications
- rh-python36-python-cachetools - Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
- rh-python36-python-cairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- rh-python36-python-case - Python unittest Utilities
- rh-python36-python-celery - Distributed Task Queue
- rh-python36-python-certifi - Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
- rh-python36-python-cffi - Foreign Function Interface for Python to call C code
- rh-python36-python-chardet - Character encoding auto-detection in Python
- rh-python36-python-click - Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
- rh-python36-python-cliff - Command Line Interface Formulation Framework
- rh-python36-python-cmd2 - Extra features for standard library's cmd module
- rh-python36-python-colorama - Cross-platform colored terminal text
- rh-python36-python-constantly - Symbolic constants in Python
- rh-python36-python-contextlib2 - Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module
- rh-python36-python-coverage - Code coverage testing module for Python
- rh-python36-python-crypto - Cryptography library for Python
- rh-python36-python-cryptography - PyCA's cryptography library
- rh-python36-python-cryptography-vectors - Test vectors for the cryptography package
- rh-python36-python-cssselect - Parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
- rh-python36-python-d2to1 - Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files with setup.py
- rh-python36-python-daiquiri - Library to configure Python logging easily
- rh-python36-python-dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- rh-python36-python-dateutils - Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects
- rh-python36-python-dbus - D-Bus Python Bindings
- rh-python36-python-ddt - Python library to multiply test cases
- rh-python36-python-debtcollector - A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies
- rh-python36-python-decorator - Module to simplify usage of decorators
- rh-python36-python-deprecation - A library to handle automated deprecations
- rh-python36-python-dns - DNS toolkit for Python
- rh-python36-python-docopt - Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
- rh-python36-python-docutils - System for processing plaintext documentation
- rh-python36-python-dogpile-cache - A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock
- rh-python36-python-dulwich - A python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
- rh-python36-python-ecdsa - ECDSA cryptographic signature library
- rh-python36-python-editor - Programmatically open an editor, capture the result
- rh-python36-python-engineio - Python implementation of the `Engine.IO`_ realtime server
- rh-python36-python-entrypoints - Discover and load entry points from installed packages
- rh-python36-python-eventlet - Highly concurrent networking library
- rh-python36-python-exam - Python toolkit for writing better tests
- rh-python36-python-extras - Useful extra bits for Python
- rh-python36-python-fasteners - A python package that provides useful locks
- rh-python36-python-fields - Container class boilerplate killer
- rh-python36-python-filelock - A platform independent file lock
- rh-python36-python-fixtures - Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more
- rh-python36-python-flake8 - Python code checking using pyflakes, pycodestyle, and mccabe
- rh-python36-python-flask - A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
- rh-python36-python-flask-APScheduler - Adds APScheduler support to Flask
- rh-python36-python-flask-babel - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
- rh-python36-python-flask-cache - Adds cache support to your Flask application
- rh-python36-python-flask-limiter - Rate limiting for flask applications
- rh-python36-python-flask-login - User session management for Flask
- rh-python36-python-flask-marshmallow - Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs
- rh-python36-python-flask-migrate - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
- rh-python36-python-flask-restful - Simple framework for creating REST APIs
- rh-python36-python-flask-script - Scripting support for Flask
- rh-python36-python-flask-session - Adds server-side session support to your Flask application
- rh-python36-python-flask-socketio - Socket.IO integration for Flask applications
- rh-python36-python-flask-sqlalchemy - Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask application
- rh-python36-python-flexmock - Testing library that makes it easy to create mocks, stubs and fakes
- rh-python36-python-flit - Simplified packaging of Python modules
- rh-python36-python-freezegun - Let your Python tests travel through time
- rh-python36-python-funcsigs - Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
- rh-python36-python-future - Easy, clean, reliable Python 2/3 compatibility
- rh-python36-python-futurist - Useful additions to futures, from the future
- rh-python36-python-genshi - Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
- rh-python36-python-gevent - A coroutine-based Python networking library
- rh-python36-python-git-pylint-commit-hook - Git commit hook that checks Python files with pylint
- rh-python36-python-gobject - Python bindings for GObject Introspection
- rh-python36-python-google-auth - Google Auth Python Library
- rh-python36-python-greenlet - Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
- rh-python36-python-h2 - HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation
- rh-python36-python-hacking - OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement
- rh-python36-python-hpack - Pure-Python HPACK header compression
- rh-python36-python-html5lib - A python based HTML parser/tokenizer
- rh-python36-python-httpbin - HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask
- rh-python36-python-humanfriendly - Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
- rh-python36-python-humanize - Turns dates in to human readable format, e.g '3 minutes ago'
- rh-python36-python-hyperframe - HTTP/2 framing layer for Python
- rh-python36-python-hyperlink - A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python
- rh-python36-python-hypothesis - Library for property based testing
- rh-python36-python-idna - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- rh-python36-python-incremental - It versions your Python projects
- rh-python36-python-inotify - An adapter to Linux kernel support for inotify directory-watching
- rh-python36-python-iso8601 - Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
- rh-python36-python-isort - Python utility / library to sort Python imports
- rh-python36-python-itsdangerous - Python library for passing trusted data to untrusted environments
- rh-python36-python-jedi - An auto completion tool for Python that can be used for text editors
- rh-python36-python-jeepney - Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper
- rh-python36-python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- rh-python36-python-jmespath - JSON Matching Expressions
- rh-python36-python-json-logger - A python library adding a json log formatter
- rh-python36-python-jsonpatch - Applying JSON Patches in Python
- rh-python36-python-jsonpointer - Resolve JSON Pointers in Python
- rh-python36-python-jsonschema - Implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
- rh-python36-python-jwt - JSON Web Token implementation in Python
- rh-python36-python-keyring - Store and access your passwords safely
- rh-python36-python-keystoneauth1 - Authentication Library for OpenStack Clients
- rh-python36-python-kombu - An AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
- rh-python36-python-lazy-object-proxy - A fast and thorough lazy object proxy
- rh-python36-python-ldap3 - Strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client
- rh-python36-python-limits - Rate limiting utilities
- rh-python36-python-linecache2 - Backport of the linecache module
- rh-python36-python-logbook - A logging replacement for Python
- rh-python36-python-lxml - XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API
- rh-python36-python-mako - Mako template library for Python
- rh-python36-python-markupsafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- rh-python36-python-marshmallow - Python library for converting complex datatypes to and from primitive types
- rh-python36-python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy - SQLAlchemy integration with the marshmallow (de)serialization library
- rh-python36-python-mccabe - McCabe complexity checker
- rh-python36-python-memcached - A Python memcached client library
- rh-python36-python-migrate - Schema migration tools for SQLAlchemy
- rh-python36-python-mimeparse - Python module for parsing mime-type names
- rh-python36-python-mock - A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
- rh-python36-python-monotonic - An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
- rh-python36-python-more-itertools - Python library for efficient use of itertools utility
- rh-python36-python-mox3 - Mock object framework for Python
- rh-python36-python-msgpack - A Python MessagePack (de)serializer
- rh-python36-python-munch - A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
- rh-python36-python-netaddr - A pure Python network address representation and manipulation library
- rh-python36-python-netifaces - Python library to retrieve information about network interfaces
- rh-python36-python-nose - Discovery-based unittest extension for Python
- rh-python36-python-nose-cover3 - Coverage 3.x support for Nose
- rh-python36-python-numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- rh-python36-python-oauthlib - An implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
- rh-python36-python-openstackdocstheme - OpenStack Docs Theme
- rh-python36-python-ordered-set - Custom MutableSet that remembers its order
- rh-python36-python-os-client-config - OpenStack Client Configuation Library
- rh-python36-python-os-service-types - Python library for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data
- rh-python36-python-os-testr - A testr wrapper to provide functionality for OpenStack projects
- rh-python36-python-oslo-concurrency - OpenStack Oslo concurrency library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-config - OpenStack common configuration library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-context - OpenStack Oslo Context library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-db - OpenStack oslo.db library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-i18n - OpenStack i18n library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-log - OpenStack Oslo Log library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-messaging - OpenStack common messaging library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-middleware - OpenStack Oslo Middleware library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-serialization - OpenStack oslo.serialization library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-service - Oslo service library
- rh-python36-python-oslo-utils - OpenStack Oslo Utility library
- rh-python36-python-oslotest - OpenStack test framework
- rh-python36-python-osprofiler - OpenStack Profiler Library
- rh-python36-python-packaging - Core utilities for Python packages
- rh-python36-python-paramiko - SSH2 protocol library for python
- rh-python36-python-parso - Parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing
- rh-python36-python-passlib - Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes
- rh-python36-python-paste - Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
- rh-python36-python-paste-deploy - Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
- rh-python36-python-pbr - Python Build Reasonableness
- rh-python36-python-pexpect - Unicode-aware Pure Python Expect-like module
- rh-python36-python-pifpaf - Pifpaf is a suite of fixtures to manage daemons
- rh-python36-python-pip - A tool for installing and managing Python packages
- rh-python36-python-pluggy - The plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details
- rh-python36-python-ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- rh-python36-python-positional - Library to enforce positional or keyword arguments
- rh-python36-python-pretend - A library for stubbing in Python
- rh-python36-python-prettytable - Python library to display tabular data in tables
- rh-python36-python-priority - A pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
- rh-python36-python-process-tests - Tools for testing processes
- rh-python36-python-prometheus_client - The Python client for Prometheus
- rh-python36-python-psutil - A process and system utilities module for Python
- rh-python36-python-psycogreen - Psycopg2 integration with co-routine libraries
- rh-python36-python-psycopg2 - A PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- rh-python36-python-ptyprocess - Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
- rh-python36-python-py - Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
- rh-python36-python-pyasn1 - ASN.1 tools for Python
- rh-python36-python-pycodestyle - Python style guide checker
- rh-python36-python-pycparser - C parser and AST generator written in Python
- rh-python36-python-pyflakes - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors
- rh-python36-python-pygments - Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- rh-python36-python-pygtrie - Trie data structure implementation
- rh-python36-python-pyinotify - Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux
- rh-python36-python-pylint - Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
- rh-python36-python-pymongo - Python driver for MongoDB
- rh-python36-python-pynacl - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
- rh-python36-python-pyparsing - Python package with an object-oriented approach to text processing
- rh-python36-python-pyperclip - A cross-platform clipboard module for Python
- rh-python36-python-pyquery - A jQuery-like library for python
- rh-python36-python-pyserial - Python serial port access library
- rh-python36-python-pysocks - A Python SOCKS client module
- rh-python36-python-pytest - Simple powerful testing with Python
- rh-python36-python-pytest-asyncio - Pytest support for asyncio
- rh-python36-python-pytest-cov - Pytest plugin for coverage reporting
- rh-python36-python-pytest-expect - py.test plugin to store test expectations and mark tests based on them
- rh-python36-python-pytest-httpbin - Fixture providing local instance of httpbin test service
- rh-python36-python-pytest-runner - Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution
- rh-python36-python-pytest-timeout - py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
- rh-python36-python-pytest-tornado - Py.test plugin for testing of asynchronous tornado applications
- rh-python36-python-pytoml - Parser for TOML
- rh-python36-python-pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python
- rh-python36-python-pyudev - A libudev binding
- rh-python36-python-pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python
- rh-python36-python-raven - Python client for Sentry
- rh-python36-python-reconfigure - An ORM for config files
- rh-python36-python-redis - Python interface to the Redis key-value store
- rh-python36-python-reno - RElease NOtes manager
- rh-python36-python-repoze-lru - A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
- rh-python36-python-requests - HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
- rh-python36-python-requests-mock - A requests mocking tool for python
- rh-python36-python-requests-toolbelt - A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
- rh-python36-python-requests_oauthlib - OAuthlib authentication support for Requests.
- rh-python36-python-requestsexceptions - Import exceptions from potentially bundled packages in requests
- rh-python36-python-rfc3986 - Validating URI References per RFC 3986
- rh-python36-python-routes - Rails-like routes for Python
- rh-python36-python-scp - Scp module for paramiko
- rh-python36-python-service-identity - Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
- rh-python36-python-setproctitle - Python module to customize a process title
- rh-python36-python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- rh-python36-python-setuptools_scm - Blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
- rh-python36-python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- rh-python36-python-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- rh-python36-python-socketio - Python implementation of the Socket.IO realtime server
- rh-python36-python-speaklater - Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
- rh-python36-python-sphinx - Python documentation generator
- rh-python36-python-sphinx_rtd_theme - Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
- rh-python36-python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- rh-python36-python-sqlalchemy-utils - Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy
- rh-python36-python-sqlparse - Non-validating SQL parser for Python
- rh-python36-python-statsd - A Python statsd client
- rh-python36-python-stestr - A test runner runner similar to testrepository
- rh-python36-python-stevedore - Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
- rh-python36-python-subunit - C bindings for subunit
- rh-python36-python-subunit2sql - Tooling for converting subunit streams into a SQL DB
- rh-python36-python-sure - Utility belt for automated testing in Python
- rh-python36-python-syncobj - A library for replicating your python class between multiple servers
- rh-python36-python-tempita - A very small text templating language
- rh-python36-python-tenacity - Tenacity is a general purpose retrying library
- rh-python36-python-testpath - Test utilities for code working with files and commands
- rh-python36-python-testrepository - A repository of test results
- rh-python36-python-testresources - Testresources, a pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
- rh-python36-python-testscenarios - Testscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection
- rh-python36-python-testtools - Extensions to the Python unit testing framework
- rh-python36-python-toml - Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
- rh-python36-python-tornado - Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools
- rh-python36-python-tox - Virtualenv-based automation of test activities
- rh-python36-python-traceback2 - Backport of the traceback module
- rh-python36-python-twisted - Twisted is a networking engine written in Python
- rh-python36-python-typed-ast - A fork of the ast module with type annotations
- rh-python36-python-tzlocal - A Python module that tries to figure out what your local timezone is
- rh-python36-python-u-msgpack-python - A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer
- rh-python36-python-ujson - An ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder written in pure C
- rh-python36-python-unicodecsv - Drop-in replacement for Python 2.7's csv module which supports unicode strings
- rh-python36-python-unittest2 - The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+
- rh-python36-python-urllib3 - Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
- rh-python36-python-uwsgi - The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services
- rh-python36-python-validators - Data Validation in python for Humans
- rh-python36-python-vcversioner - Use version control tags to discover version numbers
- rh-python36-python-vine - Promises, promises, promises
- rh-python36-python-virtualenv - Tool to create isolated Python environments
- rh-python36-python-voluptuous - A Python data validation library
- rh-python36-python-waitress - Waitress WSGI server
- rh-python36-python-warlock - Python object model built on top of JSON schema
- rh-python36-python-wcwidth - Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
- rh-python36-python-webencodings - Character encoding for the web
- rh-python36-python-webob - WSGI request and response object
- rh-python36-python-websocket-client - WebSocket client for python
- rh-python36-python-webtest - Helper to test WSGI applications
- rh-python36-python-werkzeug - The Swiss Army knife of Python web development
- rh-python36-python-wheel - A built-package format for Python
- rh-python36-python-wrapt - A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
- rh-python36-python-yaml - YAML parser and emitter for Python
- rh-python36-python-zmq - Software library for fast, message-based applications
- rh-python36-python-zope-event - Zope Event Publication
- rh-python36-python-zope-exceptions - Zope Exceptions
- rh-python36-python-zope-interface - Zope 3 Interface Infrastructure
- rh-python36-python-zope-testing - Zope Testing Framework
- rh-python36-python-zope-testrunner - Zope testrunner script
- rh-python36-pywinrm - Python library for Windows Remote Management
- rh-python36-requests-unixsocket - Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
- rh-python36-requests_ntlm - HTTP NTLM authentication using the requests library
- rh-python36-scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- rh-varnish4 - Package that installs rh-varnish4
- rh-varnish4-jemalloc - General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
- rh-varnish4-varnish - High-performance HTTP accelerator
- rhash - Great utility for computing hash sums
- rhdb-utils - Miscellaneous utilities for PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition
- rhino - JavaScript for Java
- rhn-client-tools - Support programs and libraries for Red Hat Satellite
- rhnlib - Python libraries for the Spacewalk project
- rhnsd - Spacewalk query daemon
- rhythmbox - Music Management Application
- riemann-c-client - The riemann C client
- rng-tools - Random number generator related utilities
- rngom - Java library for parsing RELAX NG grammars
- rootfiles - The basic required files for the root user's directory
- rp-pppoe - A PPP over Ethernet client (for xDSL support).
- rpcbind - Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper
- rpm - The RPM package management system
- rpmdevtools - RPM Development Tools
- rpmlint - Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
- rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
- rsh - Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
- rst2pdf - Tool for transforming reStructuredText to PDF
- rsync - A program for synchronizing files over a network
- rsyslog - Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
- rtkit - Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
- ruby - An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
- ruby193 - Package that installs ruby193
- ruby193-ruby - An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
- rubygem-abrt - ABRT support for Ruby
- rubygem-bundler - Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
- rubygem-net-http-persistent - Persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix
- rubygem-nokogiri - An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
- rubygem-thor - Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces
- runc - CLI for running Open Containers
- rusers - Displays the users logged into machines on the local network
- rwho - Displays who is logged in to local network machines