Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
- abattis-cantarell-fonts - Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family
- abrt - Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
- abrt-addon-python3 - ABRT's addon for catching and analyzing Python 3 exceptions
- abseil-cpp - C++ Common Libraries
- accountsservice - D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
- acl - Access control list utilities
- acpica-tools - ACPICA tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables
- acpid - ACPI Event Daemon
- adcli - Active Directory enrollment
- adobe-mappings-cmap - CMap resources for Adobe's character collections
- adobe-mappings-pdf - PDF mapping resources from Adobe
- advancecomp - Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG and .ZIP files
- adwaita-icon-theme - Adwaita icon theme
- adwaita-qt - Adwaita theme for Qt-based applications
- aether - Sonatype library to resolve, install and deploy artifacts the Maven way
- agg - Anti-Grain Geometry graphical rendering engine
- aic94xx-firmware - Adaptec SAS 44300, 48300, 58300 Sequencer Firmware for AIC94xx driver
- aide - Intrusion detection environment
- akonadi - PIM Storage Service
- alacarte - Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
- alertmanager - The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server.
- alsa-firmware - Firmware for several ALSA-supported sound cards
- alsa-lib - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
- alsa-plugins - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) Plugins
- alsa-tools - Specialist tools for ALSA
- alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
- amanda - A network-capable tape backup solution
- amphora-x64-haproxy - OpenStack Amphora image
- amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2 - OpenStack Amphora image
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- anaconda-user-help - Content for the Anaconda built-in help system
- ant - Build tool for java
- ant-antunit - Provide antunit ant task
- ant-contrib - Collection of tasks for Ant
- antlr - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- aopalliance - Java/J2EE AOP standards
- ap-deploy - Virtuozzo Application Platform deployment
- apache-commons-beanutils - Java utility methods for accessing and modifying the properties of arbitrary JavaBeans
- apache-commons-cli - Command Line Interface Library for Java
- apache-commons-codec - Implementations of common encoders and decoders
- apache-commons-collections - Provides new interfaces, implementations and utilities for Java Collections
- apache-commons-compress - Java API for working with compressed files and archivers
- apache-commons-configuration - Commons Configuration Package
- apache-commons-daemon - Defines API to support an alternative invocation mechanism
- apache-commons-dbcp - Apache Commons DataBase Pooling Package
- apache-commons-digester - XML to Java object mapping module
- apache-commons-exec - Java library to reliably execute external processes from within the JVM
- apache-commons-io - Utilities to assist with developing IO functionality
- apache-commons-jexl - Java Expression Language (JEXL)
- apache-commons-jxpath - Simple XPath interpreter
- apache-commons-lang - Provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API
- apache-commons-lang3 - Provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API
- apache-commons-logging - Apache Commons Logging
- apache-commons-net - Internet protocol suite Java library
- apache-commons-parent - Apache Commons Parent Pom
- apache-commons-pool - Apache Commons Pool Package
- apache-commons-validator - Apache Commons Validator
- apache-commons-vfs - Commons Virtual File System
- apache-ivy - Java-based dependency manager
- apache-parent - Parent pom file for Apache projects
- apache-rat - Apache Release Audit Tool (RAT)
- apache-resource-bundles - Apache Resource Bundles
- apiextractor - Library headers parser to extract API information
- appstream-data - Cached AppStream metadata
- apr - Apache Portable Runtime library
- apr-util - Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
- aqute-bnd - BND Tool
- aqute-bndlib - BND Library
- arcconf - Adaptec uniform command line interface
- args4j - Small Java lib that makes it easy to parse command line options/args in CUI apps
- ark - Archive manager
- arptables - User space tool to set up tables of ARP rules in kernel
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
- asciidoc - Text based document generation
- aspell - Spell checker
- at - Job spooling tools
- at-spi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
- at-spi2-atk - A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi
- at-spi2-core - Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi
- atinject - Dependency injection specification for Java (JSR-330)
- atk - Interfaces for accessibility support
- atkmm - C++ interface for the ATK library
- atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- atomic - Tool for managing ProjectAtomic systems and containers
- attica - Implementation of the Open Collaboration Services API
- attr - Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes
- audiocd-kio - Audiocd kio slave
- audiofile - A library for accessing various audio file formats
- audit - User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
- augeas - A library for changing configuration files
- authconfig - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authd - A RFC 1413 ident protocol daemon
- autoconf - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
- autoconf-archive - The Autoconf Macro Archive
- autoconf213 - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
- autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
- autogen - Automated text file generator
- automake - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automoc - Automatic moc for Qt 4
- autotrace - Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
- avahi - Local network service discovery
- avalon-framework - Java components interfaces
- avalon-logkit - Java logging toolkit