Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- SDL - A cross-platform multimedia library
- SOAPpy - Full-featured SOAP library for Python
- s3ql - Full-Featured File System for Online Data Storage
- saab-fonts - Free Punjabi Unicode OpenType Font
- sac - Java standard interface for CSS parser
- samba - Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines
- samyak-fonts - Free Indian truetype/opentype fonts
- sane-backends - Scanner access software
- sane-frontends - Graphical frontend to SANE
- sanlock - A shared storage lock manager
- sas2ircu - LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility
- sas3ircu - SAS3IRCU for SAS3 Controller
- satyr - Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
- saxon - Java XPath, XSLT 2.0 and XQuery implementation
- sbc - Sub Band Codec used by bluetooth A2DP
- sbd - Storage-based death
- sblim-cim-client2 - Java CIM Client library
- sblim-cmpi-base - SBLIM CMPI Base Providers
- sblim-cmpi-devel - SBLIM CMPI Provider Development Support
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol - SBLIM fsvol instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-network - SBLIM Network Instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv3 - SBLIM nfsv3 instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-nfsv4 - SBLIM nfsv4 instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-params - SBLIM params instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-sysfs - SBLIM sysfs instrumentation
- sblim-cmpi-syslog - SBLIM syslog instrumentation
- sblim-gather - SBLIM Gatherer
- sblim-indication_helper - Toolkit for CMPI indication providers
- sblim-sfcb - Small Footprint CIM Broker
- sblim-sfcc - Small Footprint CIM Client Library
- sblim-smis-hba - SBLIM SMIS HBA HDR Providers
- sblim-testsuite - SBLIM testsuite
- sblim-wbemcli - SBLIM WBEM Command Line Interface
- scannotation - A Java annotation scanner
- scap-security-guide - Security guidance and baselines in SCAP formats
- scap-workbench - Scanning, tailoring, editing and validation tool for SCAP content
- scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- scl-utils - Utilities for alternative packaging
- scons - An Open Source software construction tool
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- scrub - Disk scrubbing program
- scsi-target-utils - The SCSI target daemon and utility programs
- sdparm - List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
- seabios - Open-source legacy BIOS implementation
- seahorse - A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
- seahorse-nautilus - PGP encryption and signing for nautilus
- seahorse-sharing - Sharing of PGP public keys via DNS-SD and HKP
- sed - A GNU stream text editor
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- sendmail - A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
- setools - Policy analysis tools for SELinux
- setroubleshoot - Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
- setroubleshoot-plugins - Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports
- setup - A set of system configuration and setup files
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- sg3_utils - Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
- sgabios - Open-source serial graphics BIOS option rom
- sgml-common - Common SGML catalog and DTD files
- sgpio - SGPIO captive backplane tool
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
- shared-desktop-ontologies - Shared ontologies needed for semantic environments
- shared-mime-info - Shared MIME information database
- sharutils - The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives
- shiboken - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries
- shim - First-stage UEFI bootloader
- shim-signed - First-stage UEFI bootloader
- shotwell - A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
- si-units - International System of Units (JSR 363)
- sil-abyssinica-fonts - SIL Abyssinica fonts
- sil-nuosu-fonts - The Nuosu SIL Font
- sil-padauk-fonts - A font for Burmese and the Myanmar script
- sip - SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
- sisu - Sonatype dependency injection framework
- sisu-maven-plugin - Sisu plugin for Apache Maven
- skkdic - Dictionaries for SKK (Simple Kana-Kanji conversion program)
- skopeo - Inspect container images and repositories on registries
- slang - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language
- slapi-nis - NIS Server and Schema Compatibility plugins for Directory Server
- slf4j - Simple Logging Facade for Java
- slirp4netns - slirp for network namespaces
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smartmontools5 - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smc-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- snakeyaml - YAML parser and emitter for the Java programming language
- snapper - Tool for filesystem snapshot management
- snappy - Fast compression and decompression library
- socat - Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
- socket_wrapper - A library passing all socket communications through Unix sockets
- sockperf - Network benchmarking utility for testing latency and throughput
- softhsm - Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module
- sonatype-oss-parent - Sonatype OSS Parent
- sonatype-plugins-parent - Sonatype Plugins Parent POM
- soprano - Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- sound-theme-freedesktop - freedesktop.org sound theme
- soundtouch - Audio Processing library for changing Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates
- source-highlight - Produces a document with syntax highlighting
- sox - A general purpose sound file conversion tool
- spamassassin - Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
- sparsehash - Extremely memory-efficient C++ hash_map implementation
- speech-dispatcher - To provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis
- speex - A voice compression format (codec)
- spice - Implements the SPICE protocol
- spice-gtk - A GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
- spice-parent - Sonatype Spice Components
- spice-protocol - Spice protocol header files
- spice-streaming-agent - SPICE streaming agent
- spice-vdagent - Agent for Spice guests
- spice-xpi - SPICE extension for Mozilla
- sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- squashfs-tools - Utility for the creation of squashfs filesystems
- squid - The Squid proxy caching server
- srptools - Tools for using the InfiniBand SRP protocol devices
- sshpass - Non-interactive SSH authentication utility
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- star - An archiving tool with ACL support
- startup-notification - Library for tracking application startup
- stax-ex - StAX API extensions
- stax2-api - Experimental API extending basic StAX implementation
- stix-fonts - Scientific and engineering fonts
- stoken - Token code generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES) token
- storaged - Disk Manager
- strace - Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process
- strigi - A desktop search program
- strongimcv - Trusted Network Connect (TNC) Architecture
- stunnel - An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
- subscription-manager - Tools and libraries for subscription and repository management
- subversion - A Modern Concurrent Version Control System
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- suitesparse - A collection of sparse matrix libraries
- supermin - Tool for creating supermin appliances
- sushi - A quick previewer for Nautilus
- svgpart - SVG KPart
- svrcore - Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- sweeper - Clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system
- swig - Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- sysbench - System performance benchmark
- sysfsutils - Utilities for interfacing with sysfs
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- sysstat - Collection of performance monitoring tools for Linux
- system-config-date - A graphical interface for modifying system date and time
- system-config-date-docs - Documentation for setting the system date and time
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-kdump - A graphical interface for configuring kernel crash dumping
- system-config-keyboard - A graphical interface for modifying the keyboard
- system-config-kickstart - A graphical interface for making kickstart files
- system-config-language - A graphical interface for modifying the system language
- system-config-printer - A printer administration tool
- system-config-users - A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- system-config-users-docs - Documentation for administering users and groups
- system-storage-manager - A single tool to manage your storage
- system-switch-java - A tool for changing the default Java toolset
- systemd - A System and Service Manager
- systemtap - Programmable system-wide instrumentation system
- sysvinit - Programs which control basic system processes