Letter K
Packages beginning with letter "K".
- k3b - CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application
- k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes
- kabi-yum-plugins - The CentOS Linux kernel ABI yum plugin
- kaccessible - An accessibility bridge plugin
- kacst-fonts - Fonts for arabic from arabeyes project
- kactivities - API for using and interacting with Activities
- kamera - Digital camera support for KDE
- kate - Advanced Text Editor
- kbd - Tools for configuring the console (keyboard, virtual terminals, etc.)
- kcalc - Scientific Calculator
- kcharselect - Character selector
- kcm-gtk - Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE
- kcm_touchpad - Synaptics driver based touchpads kcontrol module
- kcolorchooser - A color chooser
- kcoloredit - A color palette Editor
- kde-base-artwork - KDE Base Artwork
- kde-baseapps - KDE Core Applications
- kde-filesystem - KDE filesystem layout
- kde-l10n - Internationalization support for KDE
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement - NetworkManager KDE 4 integration
- kde-print-manager - Printer management for KDE
- kde-runtime - KDE Runtime
- kde-settings - Config files for kde
- kde-wallpapers - KDE Wallpapers
- kde-workspace - KDE Workspace
- kdeaccessibility - KDE Accessibility
- kdeadmin - KDE Administrative tools
- kdeartwork - Additional artwork for KDE
- kdegraphics - KDE Graphics Applications
- kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer - Strigi analyzers for various graphic types
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers - Thumbnailers for various graphic types
- kdelibs - KDE Libraries
- kdemultimedia - KDE Multimedia metapackage
- kdenetwork - KDE Network Applications
- kdepim - KDE PIM (Personal Information Manager) applications
- kdepim-runtime - KDE PIM Runtime Environment
- kdepimlibs - KDE PIM Libraries
- kdeplasma-addons - Additional plasmoids for KDE
- kdesdk - The KDE Software Development Kit (SDK)
- kdeutils - KDE Utilities
- kdf - View disk usage
- keepalived - High Availability monitor built upon LVS, VRRP and service pollers
- kernel - The Linux kernel
- kexec-tools - The kexec/kdump userspace component.
- keybinder3 - A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
- keycloak-httpd-client-install - Tools to configure Apache HTTPD as Keycloak client
- keytool-maven-plugin - A plugin that wraps the keytool program and allows to manipulate keystores
- keyutils - Linux Key Management Utilities
- kgamma - A monitor calibration tool
- kgpg - Manage GPG encryption keys
- khmeros-fonts - Khmer font set created by Danh Hong of the Cambodian Open Institute
- kiconedit - An icon editor
- kio_sysinfo - KIO slave which shows basic system information
- kmag - A screen magnifier
- kmix - KDE volume control
- kmod - Linux kernel module management utilities
- kmod-kvdo - Kernel Modules for Virtual Data Optimizer
- kmod-mlnx - Infiniband HCA Driver
- kolourpaint - An easy-to-use paint program
- konkretcmpi - Tool for rapid CMPI providers development
- konsole - KDE Terminal emulator
- kpatch - Dynamic kernel patch manager
- kpatch-kmod - Dynamic kernel patching tools - the kernel-mode part
- krb5 - The Kerberos network authentication system
- kross-interpreters - Kross interpreters
- kruler - A screen ruler and color measurement tool
- ksaneplugin - KDE sane service
- ksc - Kernel source code checker
- kscreen - KDE Display Management software
- ksh - The Original ATT Korn Shell
- ksnapshot - A screen capture utility
- ksshaskpass - A KDE version of ssh-askpass with KWallet support
- ktimer - Task Scheduler
- kubernetes - Container cluster management
- kubernetes-cni - Binaries required to provision kubernetes container networking
- kubernetes-edge - Container cluster management
- kubernetes-helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager
- kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts - A widely used Kurdish font for Arabic-like scripts and Latin
- kwallet - Manage KDE passwords
- kxml - Small XML pull parser